Friday 27 February 2015

How to Manage High Blood Pressure

Measuring with inflatable rubber cuff
Always consult a Doctor

     Blood pressure is blood force that is exerted against blood vessel walls. It is a force according to researchers that can only be measured with the use of inflatable rubber cuff, wrapped around the upper arm and connected to an apparatus that records pressure. Practically two readings are observable 120/80 and or any other depending on your blood pressure at a particular time.

     The first number which in mathematics is known as the "numerator" is called the "systolic" blood pressure because it indicates blood pressure during the heart beats (systole) whereas the second number known in mathematics as the denominator is called the "diastolic" blood pressure because it indicates blood pressure while the heart is relaxed (diastole).

      Generally, blood pressure is measured in millimeters of mercury, and health workers classify patients as hypertensive when their blood pressures is above 140/90. Blood pressure occur when there is an increase in the rate of flow of blood in the blood vessel.

     A practical example could be seen in the way fire are extinguished by fire safety officers with the use of water hose and coupling with a branch. By opening the faucet or by reducing the caliber or diameter of the jet of water, you are increasing the pressure of the water. The same occurs with blood pressure. Increasing the rate of flow of blood or decreasing the caliber of the blood vessel elevates blood pressure.

                        Causes of High Blood Pressure.



     Researchers have approved that one of the causes of blood pressure is "Genes factor" in that a person that have a relative with high blood pressure has a high chances of suffering from the disease. Statistics indicates a higher incidence of hypertension in identical twins than in fraternal twins. One study refers to the "mapping of the genes responsible for arterial hypertension" all of which would confirm the existence of hereditary component responsible for high blood pressure.

     The other risk associated with high blood pressure is the age statistics. Although the above factors can not be control,there abound other factors that are human induced, especially much intake of salt (sodium) can aggravates high blood pressure in some people, particularly people with diabetes, older people and some blacks. Excess fat in the bloodstream can creates deposit of cholesterol on the internal walls of blood vessels (atherosclerosis) thus reducing their caliber and increasing their blood pressure.

     Smoking is also accused of being one of the basic cause of hypertension, diabetes, heart attack and stroke. Smoking can equally leads to cardiovascular diseases, caffeine contained in coffee tea and cola drink is also a member in the line of causal agent. Emotional and physical stress may also aggravates high blood pressure. Intensive or chronic consumption of alcoholic drinks and lack of physical activity can increase blood pressure.

                                   A Healthy Lifestyle.


Healthy Living
Healthy Living

       Living a healthy lifestyle and avoid waiting for the disease to manifest before taking positive steps is the gospel preached by researchers in this field. They maintained that a healthy lifestyle should be a concern and condition from an early age. Taking care of oneself will result in a better quality of life in the future. Lifestyle changes that favor a decrease in arterial blood pressure should be observed.

     They are a helpful guide to people with high or normal blood pressure. Researchers also opines a balance diets and food that are low in calorie for the obese, they added that avoiding "fast and miracle diet" while maintaining a program of moderate physical exercise will add to other control measures in this regards.

                                Prevention and Control


Image result for pictures of exercise
Take a Regular Exercise
     The following are some of the preventive and control measures as opines by researchers.
     * Reduction in body weight.
     * Cut down salt intake.
     * Increase intake of potassium rich food.
     * Reduced consumption of alcoholic drinks.
     * Exercise regularly.
     * Concentration of calcium and magnesium supplement.
     * High fiber vegetarian diet.
     * Anti stress therapy.
     * Control cholesterol level.
     * Control diabetes and avoid drugs that can boost blood pressure.

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