Saturday 28 February 2015

Sexual Health Benefits of Carrot to man.

    also proved essential against macular degeneration and senile cataracts. Research has proved that people Carrots is a nutritious fruit that has been with man from time immemorial, though in its wild stage, and was then used as herbal and medicinal, these functions and benefits are still inherent with more discoveries by researchers. Make it your daily recipe, and be vested with its benefits.

     Carrots (Daucus Carota) is believed to originate from the Mediterranean and Asia continent of the world. Today, wild carrots appear in many temperate region of the world. Over the years, carrots was used by the ancient cultures as a herb, and it is quite likely that the seeds were used medicinally in the Mediterranean since antiquity.

     Carrots is a vegetable with exceptions, because of it tremendous importance to health. Research has proved beyond reasonable doubts that carrots is pretty good and nutritious for the body, because of the beta-carotene contents in it. It is pertinent at this point to examine its benefits in the order below.

Health Benefits of Carrots.


     * Improved Vision: Carrots is good for the eyes, because of the rich beta-carotene contents in carrots, which is converted to vitamin A in the liver. Vitamin A is transformed in the retina to another compound called rhodopsin, which is purple in color and is necessary for night vision. Beta-carotene haswho eat the most beta-carotene had 40 percent lower risk of macular degeneration.

     * Acts as a Cleanser to the Body: To flushed out toxins in the body, there must be vitamin A to assist the liver in this regards. The fibers in carrots helps in clearing out the existence of any toxins in the colon and hasten up waste movement in the body.

     * Anti Aging: Here the high level of beta-carotene acts as an antioxidants to cell damage done to the body through the activities of metabolism. Beta-carotene in carrots help slow down the aging of cells in the body.

     * Healthy Glowing Skin: Carrots contain vitamin A and antioxidants which protects the skin from sun damage, It also protects the skin against other forms of attack like, skin dryness, hair and nails problems, premature wrinkling, acne, pigmentation, blemishes and uneven skin tone.

     * Cancer Prevention: The risk of lung, colon, and breast cancer is reduced with the consumption of carrots, falcarindiol which is the anti cancer properties is produced by carrots and it is the only common source of this compound for now according to researchers.

     * A Powerful Antiseptic: According to researchers carrots help to prevent infection, it can be used on cuts-shredded raw or boiled and mashed.

     * Beautiful Skin: From the outside skin, carrots can be used as a facial mask, with a little gated carrots mixed with honey and can be applied to the face for better results.

     * Prevent Heart disease: Researchers proved that carotenoids are associated with a lower risk of heart disease. Carrots have not only beta-carotene but also alpha carotene and lutein.

     *Reduced Cholesterol Level Regular consumption of carrots reduces cholesterol levels because of the soluble fibers present in carrots binds with bile acids to help this work out properly.

     * Healthy Teeth and Gums: Carrots contains stimulants that stimulates gums and trigger lots of saliva in form of alkaline which balances the formation of acids and cavity forming bacteria . The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.

     * Prevent Stroke: In a study conducted in Harvard university, it was revealed that people who eat more of carrots are less likely to suffer from stroke and stroke related problems than those who don't.

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