Tuesday 3 March 2015

Medicinal Plants: Helpful to Man.

 Image result for picture of plant

     Before the advent of medicine, there exist mediums and ways that our forefathers were using in their generation in treating and managing illnesses. These ranges from roots, barks of tree plants, leaves, seeds, and other combination known to them. The discovery of medicine in form of drugs, injections, and many other forms of discoveries in our generation today is not too far from the olden method as some of them have the olden method in their system.

     For instance, today's  Antibiotics are extract form plant, some supplement that are used for treatment of many illnesses are extract from different plants that are combine in preparing them. Nature has done it that way, and we are to harness and conserve them for a better tomorrow.

                     Different types of medicinal plants

     (A) The strong scented oil from the leaves of the eucalyptus is used to clear colds in the head. It’s native to Australia where it is called the gum tree.
     (B) The bitter oil from the Neem tree is very good for killing germs and insects. The oil is used in soaps and toothpastes.
     (C) We get quinine for treating malaria from the bark of the cinchona tree.
     (D) We get pain –killer drugs like morphine and codeine from the poppy plant which bears beautiful flowers, usually red in color.
     (E) The ginseng is a medicinal plant used mainly by the Chinese who believe that its branched roots can restore the strength and vitality of old people.
     (F) The deadly nightshade belongs to the same family as potato and tomato. It is very poisonous plant. However, atropine used to dilate your eyes before an eye test, and belladonna are obtained from this plant.
     (G) The drug digital in which is given to people with weak hearts is made from the seeds and leaves of the foxglove.
     (H) The leaves of the sacred basil are used in worship, and for curing colds and coughs.
     (I) Cocaine which is used to deaden nerves (a pain killer) comes from the leaves of a South America shrub.
     (J) Crocus contains a drug used to cure rheumatism.
     (K) Some antibiotics like penicillin are made from moulds.
     (L) Various spices and condiments used everyday life, for example, pepper, ginger,

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