Friday 27 February 2015

Meniere, Symptoms, Causes, Complication and Treatment.


The inner ear
                  The inner ear

     Meniere's disease is a disorder of the inner ear that causes spontaneous episodes of vetigo-a sensation of the spinning motion-along with fluctuating hearing loss, ringing in the ear (tinnitus) and sometimes a feeling of fulness or pressure in your ear. It is a common cause of hearing loss.

     Attack of dizziness may come on suddenly or after a short period of tinnitus or muffled hearing. Some people have single attacks of dizziness once in a while. Other may have many attacks closed together over several days. Some people with the meniere's disease have "drop attacks" during which the dizziness is so bad such that they could loss their balance and fall.

     In many cases meniere's disease affect only one ear. People in their 40's and 50's are more vulnerable and likely than people in other age group to develop meniere's disease, but it can occur in anyone even children. Although meniere's disease is considered a chronic condition, various treatment strategies can help relieve symptoms and minimize the disease long term impact on your life.

     Scientists don't yet know the cause. They think that it has to do with the fluid level or the mixing of fluids in the canals of your inner ear. Doctors diagnose it base on a physical examination and your symptoms. A hearing test can be carried out to see how it has affected your hearing.



It has many complications
                 It has many complications

     The initial symptoms of meniere's disease includes:
     (a) Recurring Episodes of Vertigo: Vertigo is similar to the sensation one experience, if you spin around quickly several times and suddenly stop, you feel as if the room is still spinning and you may loose your balance. Episodes of vertigo occur without warnings and usually 20 minutes to 2 hours or more, up to 24 hours. Severe vertigo can cause nausea and vomiting.

     (b) Hearing Loss: Hearing loss in meniere's disease may fluctuate, particularly early in the cause of the ailment. Eventually, most people experience some degree of permanent loss.

     (c) Ringing in the Ear (Tinnitus) Tinnitus is a perception of a ringing, buzzing, roaring, whistling or hissing sound in your ear.

     (d) Feeling of Fulness in the Ear: People with meniere's disease often feel aural fulness or increase pressure in the ear.

     A typical episodes might start with a feeling of fulness in your ear, increasing tinnitus and decreasing hearing followed by severe vertigo, often accompanied by nausea and vomiting.



Severe headache and migraine can be the cause
                      Severe headache 
     Because no single cause has been identified, it is likely that meniere's disease is caused by a combination of the undermentioned factors.

     (i) Abnormal immune response
     (ii) Allergies
     (III) Viral infection
     (iv) Genetic predisposition
     (v) Head trauma
     (vi) Migraine etc.



Image result for pictures of Accident
Can Lead to Accident.

    The unpredictable episodes of vertigo are usually the most debilitating problem of meniere's disease. The episodes often force a person to lie for several hours and lose time from work or leisure activities, and they can cause emotional stress.

Vertigo can also increase your risk of:
Accidents while driving a car or operating heavy machinery.
Depression or anxiety in dealing with the disease.
Permanent hearing loss.




Hearing aid can help.
   Use Hearing Aid

      So far, no cure exist for meniere's disease, but there are numbers of strategies that can help you manage some symptoms. Research shows that most people with this ailment respond to treatment, although long term hearing loss is difficult to prevent.

     Some Medications for Vertigo; Your Doctor may prescribed medications to be taken during an episodes of vertigo to lessen the severity of an attack.

     Medications involving motion sickness: such as Meclizine (Antivert) or diazepam (Valium) May reduce the spinning sensation of vertigo and help control nausea and vomiting.

     Anti-nausea medications: such as promethazine, may control nausea and vomiting during an episodes of vertigo.

                                         Long-term Medications:

     During this time your Doctor may prescribed a medication to reduce fluid retention (diuretic) such as the drug combination triamterene and hydrochlorothiazide (Dyazide, Maxzide) reducing the amount of fluid your body retains may help regulate the fluid volume and pressure in your inner ear. For some people a diuretic help control the severity and frequency of meniere's disease symptoms.

     It is true that diuretic medications helps you to urinate more frequently, thereby depleting your system of certain minerals such as potassium. Therefore, if you take diuretic medication, try to supplement your diet every week with three or four extra serving of potassium-rich foods such as, banana, cantaloupe, oranges, spinach and sweet potatoes.

     Other Non-invasive Therapies and Procedures Includes:
    (1) Rehabilitation.
    (2) The use of hearing aid.
    (3) Meniett Device.
    (4) Injection of gentamicin and steroids into the middle ear and lastly,
    (5) Surgery can be adhered to depending on the severity of the attack.

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