Friday 27 February 2015

The Love Apple: How Does it Look like.

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The Love Apple

     Many centuries ago, there exist an apple that was a straggly plant growing in the Andean region of South America. As tasty as it was, the inhabitants and or local dwellers in this region did not cultivates it. However, this love apple somehow extraordinary finds its way to Mexico and was given an adage "xitomatl" which refers to several apples or fruits with juicy taste.

     The Aztecs made good use of this apple and it becomes an established part in their cuisine and this brought this apple to fore as an international food with international recognition.

     In Spain, this apple was also found to have a good sauce and taste, which is why in 1590 a jesuit priest who lived most of his life in Mexico gave a good account of this apple and also sent the seed of this wonderful apple home to Spain. In his words he declared "this fruit is very wholesome, good to eat, and full of juice that gave a good taste to sauce."

     From Mexico this Spanish jesuit sent the seed of this plant also to their colonies in the Carribean and in the Philippines. But despite this promising beginning, it took some two to three centuries before this apple could found its rightful place in the world kitchen.

                                   What is This Apple?


    The term Tomatl refers to tomatoes, a juicy fruits with good sauce and taste which on its way to international recognition met with series of prejudice which was a little bit hard to overcome. Though there was a massive recognition of tomato in Mexico, it soon acquired a bad name and image in Europe who classified tomato as a member of Solanaceae family, the same as the poisonous Belladonna, or deadly nightshade.

     They claimed that the strong smell of tomato leaves is as a result of some toxic chemicals that is stored in it. To further complicate issues, some herbalists claimed that tomato had aphrodisiac powers which cause some to even had the believe that, that was reason the French called it "pomme d' amour or love apple".

     Undoubtedly, the unsavory aspect of the tomato's reputation also spread to North America. As late as the 1820's an American gardener from Massachusetts opined that "tomato appeared so disgusting that I thought I must be very hungry before I should be induced to taste them". He wasn't the only person in this regards, A Pennsylvanian called tomato "sour trash" and another horticulturist called it "the stinking golden apple".

     This perception continues unabated and many people declined their consumption and taste for tomato. A practical instance was that of declining supports and purchase even in the market places.

                             From Prejudice to Popularity.


     Fortunately the Italian who in the 16th century had named tomato "Pomodoro" meaning golden apple were more practical. By the early 17th century tomatoes had become a popular food in Italy, where the sunny climate favored this cultivation, although gardeners in North of Europe and America remained unconvinced, they cultivated tomatoes merely as decorative or medicinal plants. But as time elapsed, people started tasting tomatoes and the former doubt about it disappeared.

     In 1870 or thereabout, there was a bum in the cultivation and consumption of tomatoes such that the fresh California tomatoes were on sale in market places in New York city. Thereafter the discovery of the transcontinental railways propelled its movement to other areas of the world.

      In Naples, Italy the first pizzera was hosted and this positioned tomamto in good light as such cause its demand to be on the increase and farmers were in search to cultivate tomato which was first regarded sour. During the 20th century, there was a growing demand for tomato soup, juice, sauce, and catsup and this converted the much maligned tomato into the most popular fruits on earth.

                                  Tomato Fact and Uses.


     The following facts have been discovered by researchers in respect of the love apple.
     * It contains phyto-chemical properties.
     * Low calorie vegetable.
     * Good source of antioxidants.
     * Protective of cancer of all sort.
     * Protect the eye from age related diseases.
     * Have high medicinal value.
     * Cleanse and tone skin.
     * Shrink large pores.
     * Treat acne and remove blackhead.
     * Get rid of oily skin.
     * Remedy sunburns.
     * Add shine to a dull complexion.
     * Condition dry hair and relieve an itchy scalp.

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